
Teresa Cortez born in Leiria (Portugal) completed the study course of ceramics at Ornamental Art School “António Arroio”, in Lisbon. Later, she made a degree at the centenary and reputated Fábrica de Cerâmica “Viúva Lamego”, in Lisbon, and had a scolarship at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (1988). Awarded with the bronze medal by Modern Art Saloon in Estoril, first prize of tiling by Lisbon City Council (1986) and official praise of the Tiling “Jorge Colaço” Award (2000). Has several mural paintings embedded in public and private buildings around Lisbon and other portuguese cities. Her work is fully represented in many collections. Was present in several group and individual displays of painting and tiling, in Portugal and abroad, with highlights for:

  • Galeria da Casa Garden (Fundação Oriente), Macau (Maio/ 1997)
  • Fundação D. Luís I, Centro Cultural de Cascais (2011)
  • Centro de Cultura e Exposições da cidade da Horta, Açores (2011)
  • Casa Fernando Pessoa, Lisboa (2012)
  • Museu de Cerâmica Bordalo Pinheiro, Lisboa (2012)
  • Galleria della Feltrinelli Internazionale, Firenze (2013)
  • Istituto Portoghese di Sant’Antonio in Roma, (2013)
  • Galeria Municipal de Ourém, 2013
  • Hospital da Luz, Lisboa, 2015
  • Galleria Mondo, Helsínquia, 2017
  • Fundação Fernando Leite Couto, Maputo, 2018
  • Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, 2018
© 2020 - 2025, Teresa Cortez